Detroit-Shoreway is a neighborhood on Cleveland's West Side. Detroit-Shoreway consists of the streets between Lake Erie and Interstate 90, from West 85th to West 45th streets.[2]
Gordon Square
The retail hub of Detroit-Shoreway is Gordon Square, a series of retail buildings on the four corners of Detroit Avenue and West 65th Street. Named for W.J. Gordon, considered a "city father"[2], Gordon Square is currently the central focus of efforts to remake Detroit-Shoreway into a cultural and artistic hub for the west side, including the renovation and re-opening of the movie theater, a new building for the Near West Theatre, and renovations to the Cleveland Public Theater complex,[3] as well as a complete rebuild of the Detroit Avenue streetscape from West 58th to West 73rd streets, including burying of utility lines.[4] Additional plans include rebuilding the Lorain Avenue streetscape within the Lorain Avenue Antiques District, from West 52nd to West 82nd.[4]
New developments
Detroit-Shoreway is serviced by various bus routes, and includes its own rapid transit station, West 65th-Lorain. The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, in conjunction with the City of Cleveland and the Cleveland EcoVillage, is working on plans for transit-oriented development in the area around the station, and Detroit-Shoreway is additionally the site of a brownfield redevelopment of an old Eveready Battery Plant, known as Battery Park.[5] The city is working with the Ohio Department of Transportation on plans to rebuild the limited access West Shoreway (SR-2) as a low-speed, 35 mph boulevard, reconnecting the long-split neighborhood with access to the lake.[6]
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